Set Yourself Free!

By: Monica Pana
I had trouble on a road that doesn’t smile, at least not to me. Sometimes it seems inaccessible, other times it is easier than clouds. I walk on fingertips in strange places, devoid of souls. It’s too cold, it’s cold in every man and that makes me feel cold, too. 
I feel like I swim upstream in a river that leads nowhere. I feel I’m a mistake, but I know that mistakes do not define me. Sometimes I feel like I see another life, another world, something beyond the boundary line between the real and ideal. A place I would have loved more than anything if it were not mine.
It looks different if you look from the outside. It seems that it looks more beautiful, especially if you do not feel it and if it does not touch you. It’s an unbearable place, sometimes it seems lifeless, but other times more alive than a full life. It is dislocated from fear and surrounded by cold.
It’s a continuous storm here, but it’s not about weather, it’s a storm of thoughts and ideas, ideas that bring rain and thoughts that remain in the sky becoming stars. Feelings are floating in nothingness being taken by the wind from the real life. It’s hard to imagine this world, it is inaccessible and dangerous.
It’s a maze of a confused and frightened mind. It’s a paradise of the childhood and the inferno where you feel immortal. It’s hard to make peace with your mind, but it’s even harder when it leads you. You must learn to accept the storm, to embrace your thoughts and ideas, to let emotions to show you what beauty means.
It’s hard, but it’s possible: TO LET YOURSELF FREE!

Note: The copyrights on the article belong to the author. The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the article belongs exclusively to the author. Please visit her site, look around! to read more of Monica’s fine work!

Life Can Be Tight

Life can be tight even when it’s right;
Sometimes day can seem like night,
And you feel the fright, think of flight
But for no real reason – soul treason;
It just seems like the wrong season
Even when the sun is shining its light
So bright, and driving away all blight,
But you still don’t feel just quite right
Even though you don’t know the why
As hard as you try to understand it;
You’re soul feels like an ugly bandit;
Yes . . .
Life can be tight even when it’s right

Note: The copyrights on the article belong to the author. The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the article belongs exclusively to the author. 

When You Are Really Ready


By: John D. Jungers

When you are ready to POSITIVELY, change you will change
Your life, living, and love,You will heartfully, and welcomingly,
Beautifully, change and for the better rearrange

Only when you to your own self, stay true, and you really are ready
Can you set realistic attainable doable goals,
And start your individual mission and quest,
To climb your mountain, strong, slow, progressive and steady

You can only climb your mountain, when you, deep inside
Of your heart, body, mind an soul, decide to rise up change and begin
Then breath by breath, by step by baby step by baby step . . .

No matter what obstacle may come your way, every day you continue
To fight the good fight, to succeed and climb your mountain,
Your mission, quest, and goals, and triumph and WIN baby WIN

Note: Image from Poem previously published in December 2016. The copyrights on the article belong to the author. The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the article belongs exclusively to the author.